COVID-19 Information and Updates


Now that Alberta has entered Phase 2 of the Economic Recovery Plan, massage therapy is open again with appropriate cautions and restrictions.

While this is good news, some changes will be made in the running of the clinic to ensure that client health and safety is optimized during the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes will include:

  • A 30 minute space between appointments will be implemented to better facilitate disinfecting protocols. If you arrive early to your appointment, please consider waiting in your vehicle until at least 5 minutes before your appointment time.
  • All items and surfaces that clients and staff routinely use or come into contact with will be sanitized before and after each client’s visit. Hand sanitizer will be made available for clients to clean their hands with after entering the clinic.
  • Clients will be screened for possible COVID-19 symptoms, either by phone ahead of time, or at the front desk on arrival. If a client is displaying or deemed to be experiencing symptoms, they may be refused treatment at the discretion of the therapist. If you are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, please cancel your appointment. You will be allowed to book again after 10 days if you are no longer experiencing symptoms. Cancellation fees are waived if you are experiencing symptoms the day of your appointment.
  • Client contact information and appointment times may be taken down for use by Alberta Health Services in the event of a positive COVID-19 case or outbreak connected to the clinic. This information will be kept for up to 2 weeks, and only released to AHS in the case of a confirmed case of the Coronavirus. This measure is intended for alerting clients if they have come into possible contact with the virus. If you are uncomfortable with your information being recorded you may opt out and still receive treatment at the clinic.
  • Therapists will be wearing masks during clinic hours to minimize risk of transmission. Clients will not be required to wear masks into the clinic at present, but may choose to wear them if desired.

    Clients with compromised immune systems should take special considerations when booking, as our practice cannot guarantee zero-risk of COVID-19 exposure. By choosing to proceed with treatment, you are accepting all risk of exposure and agree not to hold the clinic liable for any and all potential exposure to COVID-19 resulting from the treatment or your time in the clinic

  • Payment by debit or credit card is encouraged. Cash payments will be accepted if payment by card is not possible. Direct billing will be provided as per usual.
  • Waiting room seating will be arranged to ensure social distancing for times when multiple people are in the clinic space. Tea and Water will not be available at present time.
  • That’s all for now. Click below to find an appointment time that’s ideal for you!


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